
Skidmore News


Vero, an experienced attorney 人力资源专家,火博体育学院现任战略人力资源顾问, 被任命为火博体育学院首任总法律顾问兼人力资源副校长, effective July 10.   

Reflecting on our past and future

校园里到处都是2023年的团圆周末, 当3年级和8年级的校友以及火博体育机会项目的校友回来和朋友们聚聚的时候, learn about recent developments, and honor classmates. 


There isn’t much that Jackson Hornung '23 hasn’t already accomplished on the baseball diamond, but Hornung的目标更高:下一个, 他在科德角棒球联盟打球, 职业球探最喜欢的目的地. 

Human Resources

Human Resources 邀请感兴趣的Skidmore员工参加 submit 职位空缺申请材料如下:


Position openings 

  • 学术行政助理-管理及商业 
  • Assistant 设施和规划副总裁-设施 
  • Director of Admissions Admissions 
  • Media Services Technician – IT 
  • 高级行政协调员-学院院长办公室和学术事务副校长 
  • 职员会计-财务服务 


To apply, please access the Okta portal. 点击“Oracle HCM”,点击“我”,然后点击“当前工作”."你可以访问目前的空缺职位 external applicants here. 

☀️ Summer at Skidmore ☀️

June 14 – 28 events:

Mostly Modern Festival 

所有的音乐会都将在亚瑟·赞克尔音乐中心举行. Tickets can be purchased online or at the box office.

  • Neave Trio, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, June 15
  • American Modern Ensemble, 7:30 p.m., Friday, June 16
  • 现代管弦乐队与Joann Falletta,晚上7:30.m., Saturday, June 17
  • “在现实生活中-喜剧在线约会歌剧,”3页.m., Sunday, June 18 
  • Atlantic Brass Quintet, 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 21 
  • “Beloved Modern Songs & Arias,” 3 p.m., Thursday, June 22 
  • 大卫·阿马多的现代管弦乐队,晚上7:30.m., Friday, June 23 


Skidmore Jazz Institute 

Tickets can be purchased online. 

  • 火博体育爵士学院全明星教师,上午11:30.m.6月25日,周日,Freihofer萨拉托加爵士音乐节将在萨拉托加表演艺术中心举行 
  • John and Gerald Clayton Quartet, 8 p.m.6月27日,星期二,亚瑟·赞克尔音乐中心 



Readings, which are free and open to the public, will be held in Davis Auditorium.   

  • Poet 维贾伊·塞沙德里和小说家史蒂夫·斯特恩,8便士.m., Monday, June 26 
  • Novelist Garth Greenwell and poet Carl Dennis, 8 p.m., Tuesday, June 27 
  • 放映侯麦的《火博体育官网》和 discussion with Phillip Lopate, 7 p.m., Wednesday, June 28



Come see what MDOCS Storytellers’ Institute 在实习期间进行的研究. 今年的主题是“不走寻常路:英雄之旅之外”.”  

  • Opening reception, 7 p.m., Tuesday, June 20, Schick Gallery

Additional viewing hours:

  • 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.6月21日星期三和6月22日星期四  
  • 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Friday, June 23


Events at the Tang Teaching Museum 


On view at the Tang Teaching Museum

  • “Parallax: Framing the Cosmos,” through June 18 
  • 《火博体育》 reopens June 24 
  • “Face to Face,” through July 16 
  • 《火博体育官网》将持续到7月16日 
  • “海德内阁第21号:第51号”,至8月11日. 20
  • 《火博体育》(Lauren Kelley: Location scout)至9月11日. 10


Who’s on campus? 

Facilities Services updates

  • 为了检修主发电机,从6安培开始,将切断校园所有主要建筑的电源.m. to noon on Sunday, June 25. 有备用发电机的建筑物(北厅), Billie Tisch综合科学中心, 约翰逊大厦校园安全办公室, Murray-Aikins Dining 堂和唐教馆)将不受影响.
  • 从6月19日星期一开始,校园内的危险树木将被清除. 社区花园和公园之间的树木也将被移除 Wiecking 从6月21日星期三开始,大厅正在为一个新的地热田做准备. 工作将持续到整个夏天.   
  • Blasting for the McCaffery-Wagman Tennis and Wellness Center is scheduled to resume this week and will continue intermittently for several weeks. 
  • Ladd Hall will be closed for the remainder of the summer for construction. 
  • Facilities Services recently received all approved FY 来自金融服务部的24笔资金申请 and 也在做24财年的提前发布 这些项目已于今年2月获得批准. A 设施部门的代表将与您联系 各部门有关进度和范围 of these projects.

For more information, please contact Facilities Services.


Summer Bulletin publication schedule  

Through Aug. 23, the Bulletin will be published biweekly 只分发给教职员工. It will also be posted online. 提交给教职员工成就部分将在夏季不被接受,并将在秋季再次接受. The Bulletin will be published June 28; July 12 and 26; and Aug. 9 and 23. 《火博体育官网》将于八月复刊. 30. Submit announcements by completing the online form. 所有提交的截止日期是周一中午. Please email swb@firstnews-extra.com if you have questions.



火博体育承认六月节为正式的大学假期,并将关闭周一,6月19日. 六月周末活动的列表可以在 Frederick Allen Lodge’s website. At Skidmore, 我们认识到我们对自由的共同承诺, equality, 为我们社区的每个人伸张正义.


Wyckoff Center presents Pride 2023

Please visit Wyckoff Center for “对话中的酷儿”小组讨论,下午1点到2点.m. on Thursday, June 22. Then from 2 to 3 p.m.,威科夫中心将举行骄傲庆祝活动,并提供茶点. 我们欢迎大家参加一个小时或两个小时. For Pride Month 2023, 请查看波特广场和案件中心内悬挂的进步同志旗帜.


IT to launch new help ticket system

Skidmore IT将切换到一个新的帮助票证系统,Team Dynamix Tuesday, June 20.  上线后,Team Dynamix可以通过导航到 help.firstnews-extra.com 或选择TDX Client Portal Okta. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 IT Help Desk.


Opportunity Program office relocation 

Due to renovations in Ladd Hall, the OP office will be relocated to the 从6月5日星期一开始在斯克里布纳图书馆四楼. During the month of June, OP工作人员将在正常办公时间在套房 study carrels numbered 445-451.  


New issue of Scope magazine 

新一期的《火博体育官网》杂志已经在校园里发行了. It is also available online. Please contact James Helicke if you did not receive a copy. 


Campus credit union summer hours 

Summer Broadview FCU(前身为SEFCU)校园分部的上课时间为上午9点.m. to noon Monday through Friday. Normal hours will resume in August. 


Dining Services

餐饮服务部从上午11:30开始提供快闪烧烤.m. to 1 p.m. 周一至周五在凯斯步道. 这家烧烤店的特色是热狗菜单, burgers (both beef and plant-based), as well as grilled chicken. 套餐包括你选择的烧烤项目,两面,和饮料. 夏季时间的水疗中心,伯吉斯,中庭,和默里-艾金斯食堂可在 Dining Services website. 


Skidmore Shop 

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 18, and Skidmore 这里有你需要庆祝的一切 Dad and Grandpa. Check out our merch, from mugs to stickers, T-shirts, and hats. 

Questions about Bulletin?


Skidmore College


 815 North Broadway

 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
